Gimp for OS/2 PM is proud to anounce the first PM version of GIMP for OS/2! Gimp is the Gnu Image Manipulation Program, often called the free "Photoshop".

It is available for a long time already for XFree86/OS2, now you can finaly run it without XFree86/OS2 installed! This is done with Everblue, the XLib implementation on OS/2 PM which is included in the WarpIN package we now provide.

Check the Everblue Homepage for more information and download.

Gimp 1.2.2 released

GIMP 1.2.2 is available, check the download section for link!

GIMP 1.1.25 released

GIMP 1.1.25 is released, you can get the files at Christoph's page, choose the section "Downloads" and then "GNOME-Apps". Will be uploaded to OS/2 Netlabs as soon as we have a fast connection here...

Update Oct. 02: The page from Christoph was not updated for quite some time, I will check some news about the status of GIMP for OS/2 and post it here as soon as possible.

GIMP 1.1.21 released!

Asbjorn Pettersen today released GIMP 1.1.21 for OS/2, get it at the download section! Note that this is still not a stable release, so don't complain about bugs :-) If you have problems you can subscribe to the mailinglist.

GIMP 1.1.19 released

Gimp 1.1.19 has been released. Now you can load/write OS/2 BMP files with Gimp.
It seems like Gimp 1.2 is coming.

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