The GIMP Homepage
This is the offical homepage of the GIMP. You can find a lot of great information about the GIMP on this page, including manuals, tips, tricks, FAQ's and so on.
The GIMP Manual
This is the manual for the GIMP, you can get it in HTML or PDF form. It's also possible to buy it as a book. Check the page for more information about it.
The X11-Files - The GIMP
On this page you will find very good instructions how to install GIMP for OS/2. It shows all the libraries you need and explains the set up.
XFree86/OS2 Homepage
This is the homepage of the XFree86/OS2 project, the OS/2 and eCS port of XFree86.
You need that because GIMP for OS/2 does not yet work in OS/2 PM.